Avviso corso: “Mathematical modeling and some solution procedures of differential equations in engineering problems” tenuto dalla Dott.ssa Servet Mert Kutsal nel periodo 10-14 Giugno

Dr. Servet MERT KUTSAL from the Department of Civil Engineering at Kocaeli University, Turkey, will give a short course titled “Mathematical Modeling and some Solution Procedures of Differential Equations in Engineering Problems”.

Lectures will be held from Monday 10 to Friday 14 June 2024 from 10:00 am to 12:00 am, in classroom C3.3 (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) and B2.3 (Thursday and Friday). Classroom C3.3 is in Polo C (Via Giunta Pisano, 9) and B2.3 in Polo B (Via Giunta Pisano, 28). The course can also be followed remotely via MS Teams at the following link..

Course flyer

For further information, please contact: Prof. Simone CAMARRI (simone.camarri(at)unipi.it).